Sunshine Is A Health Benefit

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Did you know that sunlight is every bit as important to our health and well-being as proper nutrition and clean water.

Our bodies make Vitamin D when our skin is exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D gives us a protective effect on healthy bone density, muscle weakness, more than a dozen types of internal cancers, multiple sclerosis and Type 1 Diabetes. Don't tell yourself I'll just pop a Vitamin D pill and it will have the same effect. There is nothing like natural sunshine and being outdoors because there are other reasons you will want to incorporate into your health program. Such as:
Sunlight affects moods positively and is a natural antidepressant. I have heard some people say that weather affects their attitude. This is true with some people. We love and crave sunshine to put us in a good mood. We cannot control the weather; however, when that sun shines get outdoors, soak up the Vitamin D and take a walk.
If you live in a new house or work in a modern office building, you may be exposed to high levels of indoor air pollution. In case you cherished this informative article as well as you wish to get more info about Chung cư căn hộ Sunshine Avenue generously visit our own web site. New buildings are well insulated, trapping gases from carpets, pesticide and cleaner residues, smoke, dust and other respiratory irritants. Being outdoors part of the day allows us to get fresh oxygen and reduces our exposure to indoor irritants. Everyday we breathe "stale" air, including the exercise facilities. Natural, fresh air is what helps our bodies to prevent and heal some complicated health issues.

When you are in the sunshine soaking up the powerful Vitamin D source, you will want to put on sunscreen lotion to protect your skin from the ultra rays. Breathing in the fresh air vs protecting your skin goes hand in hand. I call it "breath and screen" giving your body the full benefits of being outdoors and enjoying the sunshine.
A brisk walk for 30 minutes outdoors everyday is highly recommended by website on - commit yourself to live healthy by walking!